"Rick and Morty" season 3 left everyone in awe as they aired the first episode of the series on April Fool's Day. This made fans of the TV hit series impatient as they wait for the upcoming episodes. Many started wondering what will happen next in the forthcoming episode which is entitled "Rickmancing the Stone." When will Episode 2 air?
Episode 2 'Rickmancing the Stone' will be released by summer
As to the release date of the next episode, Adult Swim has not given any definite date yet. However, they try to spill off some beans by telling its viewers that it will be released by summer. The production has not released further details yet. However, the next episode will feature Rick confronting Morty over a certain issue. Further, the episode 2 title offers a little hint on what could possibly happen in the series, however, it doesn't really much affect the entire show.
"Rick and Morty" season 3, episode 2 is also expected to center on Rick as he will save Morty.
Aside from the fact that the second episode is based on the movie "Romancing the Stone," it is still not likely that Adult Swim will feature scenes of romance between these two characters given the fact that Rick already has clear thoughts about love.
Concept Art on Shoney's and Seal Team Rick's ship
One of the concept artists and background designer, Tommy Scott, has released some of the concept arts for the series. These are the artwork he produced for the episode 1 of the third season. On the slideshow, viewers can find the concept art of Seal Team Rick's Spaceship, Shoney's as well as with Rick's garage.
Further, Scott also made some concept art designs for other casts like Phoenix Person, C-147 Beth, Citadel of Ricks military crew, and Dianne, who is the wife of Rick and the mother of Beth.
Shoney's concept art features the Nashville restaurant which primarily operates in the Southern United States. Accordingly, the place was featured during the premiere episode of the series. Meanwhile, Rick's garage is featured in its 1998 version. It features Rick together with the Galactic Federation going back into the place after their McDonald's detour.
Seal Team Ricks background design also shows Rick being held captive. They shoot up the Federation agent as well as Rick's body. If everyone is dead, Rick will then grab the rope and ascend immediately to Seal Team Rick's Spaceship.
These are among the catches that viewers will surely love as they wait for the next episode to air.