Ever since Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan started filming the "Fifty Shades of Grey" sequel, the two are reportedly facing endless dating rumors. It is a given fact that Dornan is married to wife Amelia Warner and has two kids and apparently, as he shares an undeniable chemistry with Johnson the fans couldn't help but ramble with these rumors. It looks as if Dakota is making a headline again after she revealed that she wanted to keep her close friendship with Dornan forever.
Dornan in secret affair with Johnson?
Some reports suggest that Dornan has been spotted in Budapest City Center while carrying a dark blue shopping bag.
This leave fans wondering that the bag contains lots of presents for Johnson. Further, there have been reports that Dornan is currently having marriage issues with his wife because of Johnson. Some of their fans believe that those presents were bought for the "Fifty Shades Darker" actress while others also believe that those are for his wife and children.
As of now, the actor is currently filming his upcoming movie "Robin Hood: Origins", there some allegations claim that the two are secretly seeing each other which is something that Dornan's wife suspects.
Some reports also claim that they are hooking up on the set of "Fifty Shades Darker" whenever they have their chance together. Their close bond with their movie made fans believe that the actor already developed a special relationship with Johnson.
Jamie Dornan is Dakota Johnson's dream partner
On the other hand, Dakota also previously revealed that she trust Dornan a lot and in fact, he is her dream partner. Moreover, the actress also emphasized that she respects the family of the actor, most especially his wife. Her statement, however, could mean that nothing deep is happening between the two of them.
However, most of the fans are still in doubt.
Meanwhile, these rumors continue emerging when Johnson also added that she is very comfortable with Dornan while filming the sex scenes of "Fifty Shades Darker." She also described that her friendship with the actor is something genuine and one of the closest relationships she ever had in her life.
Unfortunately, amidst relationship rumors, Dornan has been so quick in denying the rumors that prevail between him and Johnson. He even emphasized that he is perfectly happy with his married life with wife Warner. However, there are still reports that claim that these two are still secretly seeing each other.