Hey, "Prison Break" fans. In this week's episode 6 of season 5, we've got a lot of drama, going down in the desert. How do we know this? Well, FOX was kind enough to reveal a few storylines spoilers that we can expect to see go down, via a press release that they put out. Apparently, Cyclops is going to be real pissed off and wanting some vicious revenge, so he will be seen,chasing Michael, Lincoln and the rest of the crew all around the freaking desert! Meanwhile, we've also got A&W and Van, starting to question what the hell they're doing, and more.


The title for this fresh episode, has been revealed to be: "Phaecia." That name will never be accused of not being unique. That's for sure. Anyways, the main description, begins with an all-cap highlight that says, there's going to be some new escape plans, going down. However, they will also bring a couple of new problems. Uh oh! What could these new problems be? It'll be interesting to find out.

Get out of Yemen

Next, they let us in on what Michael, Lincoln and the rest of the Ogygia crew will be up to. It turns out that we're going to see them try to get the hell out of Yemen, which will lead them to being the target of a wild goose chase in the middle of the freaking desert as Cyclops, filled with vengeance thoughts, tries to hunt them down.

Will Cyclops end up, catching them? Or will Michael and company be able to continue to elude him and his people? Unfortunately, we don't have the answer at this time, because FOX conveniently left that out for obvious reasons. They want to leave something for us to watch. On thing that we do know, is that it looks like we'll see a lot action and adventure in this storyline.

Doubting their roles

Then in this final storyline teaser, we've got some action from characters: A&W and Van Gogh. It turns out that they'll actually begin doubting what their roles are in this whole thing as their pursuit of the escapees, causes them to end up somewhere in Graceland at some point. Will their doubts, eventually get the better of them?

What will they end up, doing in Graceland. Those are the big questions for their storyline. It's certainly possible that we could get an early glimpse of any one of these in the new preview clip that FOX is expected to release after episode 5 airs tonight, so be sure to watch out for that.

Hiding behind a vehicle

We were also able to track down a couple of promo pics for episode 6, and we included one of them (above). It features Michael, Lincoln and Ja in action in the desert. Michael is spotted in most of the other photos that we released, and he is just glued to those binoculars, making sure he has a good lookout on whatever the hell is going on. Some of the scenes look very intense, too. At one point, these three are seen, hiding behind a vehicle, which could mean there's a possible shootout, going on and they're using the vehicle for cover.

Cyclops shoots

Oh, and there's pics of Cyclops with his gun out, shooting! So, it looks like Cyclops does track them down at some point. Yep, definitely look for this one to get real intense. No doubt. We can confirm that episode 6 is set to air next Tuesday night, May 9th,2017 at 8pm central standard time on FOX. Stay tuned.