The battle in "Fairy Tail" is getting more and more intense. We saw how Lucy tried to rewrite Natsu's life to resurrect him. It was a truly a heart-stopping moment as Lucy struggled to bring Natsu back. Fortunately, she did, and fans let out a sigh of relief. However, Lucy's act comes with a hefty price, and it may just cause her her life. "Fairy Tail" Chapter 535 will show the consequences of her act.

'The Strongest Power'

"Fairy Tail" Chapter 535 is titled "The Strongest Power," and in it, we will see Lucy suffer because of what she did for Natsu.

The previous chapter showed Zeref gaining supreme power. However, Anna cannot open the space between time because of the Fairy Heart, even if she did her best.

"The Door to the Vow" also shows Lucy trying to patch the Book of E.N.D, which we now know that she did because Natsu is back. Natsu is now more determined than ever to stop Zeref. Lucy's situation may fuel his anger, and we might see his strongest yet, but Zeref is also getting more powerful.

Lucy and Gray got confused when they saw the letters from the Book of E.N.D. were floating in the previous "Fairy Tail" chapter. That's when they realized that Lucy has to re-write the letters to save Natsu.

The E.N.D is said to be the creation of Demons, and it contains the Black Arts which Zeref used.

It wields considerable powers, but using it is not for free. Spoilers of Chapter 535 say that Lucy is always shivering and is sweating after she used the book.

Lucy to become evil?

Some fans say that Lucy can be seen in a trance-like state in "Fairy Tail" Chapter 535. We can only hope that she will live through this, but something tells us that the next chapter is not going to be good.

Lucy is not dead, that's for sure, but how can she be saved from this state?

Spoilers suggest that she will suffer greatly. Some even say that she will turn evil. There are growing veins on her skin, and it looks like she is going to transform into something hideous. If she does, the web of battles against dark forces will continue in "Fairy Tail."

There is a lot to look forward to in the next chapter, including a shocking appearance.

Yes, the Black Wizard is set to make a comeback. After Natsu was resurrected, the Black Wizard will appear in deja vu in the next chapter. How will this affect Natsu?

We would have to wait and see when the next chapters are released. "Fairy Tail" Chapter 534 will be released on May 10, and Chapter 535 on May 17.