The latest leaks recently revealed that in “Star Wars 8: The Last JediRey will be facing abysmal monsters of Ahch-To. It is now a general knowledge that Luke will train Rey in the next installment of "Star Wars." The leaked image of the island called Ahch-To spills little information about the upcoming movie. The underlying idea that there are other creatures living on Luke’s island however, tells us more about what we can expect in the eighth offering of the franchise.

Leaked images

In the screenshot, we saw a flying creature, which connects to the previous leaks reported by Aside from that, the website also disclosed that in the movie, fans would see a scene where Luke and the leader of the native inhabitants’ island will meet. It is said that the leader will allow Luke to stay in the place but Rey is not allowed to remain. As a part of a condition that she could stay, she would have to kill a massive sea creature and earn their respect as well as acceptance.

The alleged battle between Rey and the lethal monster is anticipated to be remarkable.

Fans are expecting that a classic scene from the previous offerings would somehow be reflected in the battle. In addition, the site notes that there are local creatures that look like the real-life puffins, which inhabit the Skellig. The creatures in the Ahch-To island, however, appears to be more precarious. One creature was described as a 15-inch gremlin bird that has razor sharp teeth. The site further claimed that although they looked evil they are most likely gentle.

Luke’s training

In the original trilogy, it can be recalled that Luke underwent the same training. He fought a Dragonsnake in the marsh of Dagoba as a part of the tests given to him by Yoda in the comics, "Empire Strikes Back." Obi-Wan also battled with the same creature in the "Clone Wars." As described, these Dragon snakes are massive, ferocious beasts with razor-like teeth and fins.

They have an average weight of up to 50,000 kilos.

The latest planet where Luke is staying is an oceanic one and is an ideal place for dragon-like creatures inhabiting its waters. It appears that Rey will have to face more creatures in the future. For the filmmakers, it is significant to continually repeat themes. They have this notion that the force is continuously refining and reworking the past to ultimately achieve its goal.

"Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi" is anticipated to have its first trailer dropped on the Celebration event next week. The movie is scheduled to release in December 2017.