Jessa Duggar has been heavily criticized over the last week for her choice to speak at a retreat on modesty. The Duggar Family belongs to the Quiverfull movement, something that is sketchy to most. Their beliefs focus solely on things being the woman's fault, including how she dresses provoking unwanted attention from men.
"Fashionably Modest"
The speech given by Jessa Duggar is called "Fashionably Modest." She will be talking to women of all ages about dressing appropriately while still being able to keep up with today's ever-changing fashion world.
There were instructions that no men were allowed to attend and young girls under a certain age would also not be permitted into the talk. This has been a huge point of criticism for Duggar, especially since the talk about being modest should not be inappropriate for a child.
On top of Jessa Duggar having rules put in place for the talk, the price of a seat has been heavily talked about. According to the Hollywood Gossip, Jessa Duggar is charging anywhere from $20 to $50 a seat. That is a lot of money for something like this. Generally, the retreat sets a base price and your seats are first come, first serve. Duggar is a reality television star and she is definitely milking her speaking engagements for everything she can.
Jessa still follows dress code
The Dress Code for the Duggars has been a hot topic across social media. Jessa Duggar has been compliant with the rules her parents have set for her, even after being married with children. Jinger Duggar has been heavily criticized for her choice to wear pants and shorts out in public. Both times the choices were modest, nothing that would be out of the ordinary if she wasn't a Duggar daughter.
Jessa is going to have to give a private lecture to Jinger about her recent choices, especially since it has drawn a lot of negative attention to the family.
Jessa Duggar seems to be the Duggar daughter the media focuses on the most. It may be because she is heavily involved with her family even after getting married. Jill and Derrick are are busy doing mission work, Jinger and Jeremy are in Texas, and Jessa and Ben still live close enough to see her family daily.
The idea that she is talking about dressing modestly and talking about a woman's job to cover-up makes some fans uncomfortable. It is one thing to remain covered out of respect for your body, it is another thing entirely to cover up to avoid a man looking at you in an inappropriate way.