During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump was forced to deal with the growing scandal that he was linked back to Russia. Following his election, even more information came out his potential Russian ties, though some media outlets published questionable information that left many scratching their heads..

Maher on Trump

Just weeks before Donald Trump was set to be sworn into office, CNN broke a bombshell story uncovering the release of a private "dossier." The information was 35-pages in length, and contained unverified allegations against Trump, accusing the former host of "The Apprentice" of being tied to Russia.

The author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer, was forced into hiding after its release, and just recently broke his silence. Following the release of the dossier in question, Buzzfeed reported that the dossier included Trump engaging in sexual acts with Russian prostitutes, including watching two women take part in a "golden shower." Trump quickly denied the claims, but as seen on a Twitter post on March 8, comedian Bill Maher is using it as a way to mock the president.

Donald Trump denied the claims against him, labeling them as "fake news," while bashing CNN for breaking the story, and Buzzfeed for the aforementioned "golden shower" allegations.

Since then, Trump has increased his war of words with the press, routinely taking shots at cable news outlets and newspapers on an almost daily basis. When the Washington Post revealed that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had been in contact with Russian officials during the election, Trump appeared more upset with the story being leaked, as opposed to the act of what actually took place.

Commenting on Donald Trump's complaints over leaks was Bill Maher, who lashed out at the president on social media, making sure to dig up the "golden shower" allegations. "Is everyone hacking and leaking?," Maher asked on Twitter, before adding, "I think the leaks we should worry about are the ones taken by those Russian hookers."

Real Time takedown

Bill Maher has made it more than clear that he's not a fan of Donald Trump.

As the host HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," the atheist comedian devotes most his show to mocking and ridiculing Trump, the Republican Party, and liberals who he thinks have become too politically correct. "Real Time with Bill Maher" airs every Friday night, and is currently in its 15th season.