Ok, so it's a new week, which means we got a new batch of official spoilers for the upcoming "The Blacklist" episode 14 of season 4 from the lovely folks over at NBC. They gave us three very interesting storyline reveals that lets us know that we'll be seeing a bigtime undercover operation get set into motion by Aram at one point. Tom is going to keep trying to locate the missing intel about his childhood. We'll also see Red still trying to find out who messed up his business operations, and more.
It's "The Architect"
I'm going to go over the title for a second.
It's named: "The Architect." According to the official description, there's going to be a notorious criminal that's on the loose. What this criminal does, is designs and constructs perfect crimes for cash, and will even go as far as to execute the crime if you pay enough. I'm guessing this is what that "Architect" title is referring to. As in an architect of crimes. It's pretty clever.
Undercover hacker situation
Anyways, they go on to tell us that Aram is going to launch a big undercover operation to try to hunt down this perfect crime, architect criminal. His undercover identity will be a hacker. They didn't reveal if Aram's attempt will be successful or not, so we're going to have to wait and see the episode to see how this plan works out.
It definitely sounds like it'll provide a very entertaining scene or scenes.
Tom takes it to the next level
Next, in this 2nd teaser, we've got Tom back in the mix. They tell us that he is actually going to expand his current search that involves him, trying to discover a lot of details that are missing in reference to his childhood.
Will Tom finally find everything that he's been searching for? Or will the full truth continue to evade him? These are a couple of questions that they definitely need to hurry up and answer, so we can wrap up this storyline. We'll see if they get it done in this episode.
He keeps looking
Lastly, we've got the focus on Red in this final plotline teaser.
It turns out that he'll steal be searching for some answers as to who in the hell had the nerve to compromise his freaking business operations. They didn't reveal if Red will finally track down this culprit, so that's another thing that we'll have to wait and watch the episode for.
However, we do expect NBC to drop a new promo/spoiler clip for episode 14, tonight, after episode 13 finishes up. Be sure to look out for it as it should deliver up some extra details for the episode. It usually does,anyways. According to the press release, episode 14 will ,indeed, be airing next Thursday night, February 16th,2017 at 9pm central time on NBC. Stay tuned.