Paulie Calafiore was running the Big Brother house for weeks. He had managed to surround himself with strong players and get them to execute his plans. The only blood he got on his own hands was that of Tiffany, with the entire house behind him, and Victor, who he underestimated when he won the Battle Back. The day of reckoning has come and Paulie's only remaining allies are Corey and Nicole.

Abusive behavior

According to Joker's Updates, Paulie has spent his time since being nominated for eviction trying to make amends with his fellow houseguests. Of course, in true Paulie fashion, he hasn't accepted responsibility for his actions in the Big Brother house, but rather justified them. We have seen him personally attack Natalie about her fake boobs that match her fake personality, and call her a "Jersey girl" in a disparaging. We saw him be disrespectful, manipulative, and at times emotionally abusive to Zakiyah. He has flirted with and talked badly about other women in the house. His bromance, Paul, has even left his side because he finally realized he was a pawn to Paulie rather than a mutual ally.

When first nominated, Paulie was shocked. He began his talks with each houseguest all over again. We saw tears - there were promises and more tears followed up by lots of backtracking. This went on with more tears and long talks with the Big Brother live feeders. We saw him have a meltdown. Paulie said several times that he thought he should be voted out instead of Corey as he continued his campaign. Today the Power of Veto was held but the Paulie drama was in full swing. He told the house that if he is evicted and does not have the return trip ticket, he plans to leave the game rather than go to the jury house.

Paulie admits to lies

He has now admitted that he lied to the psychiatrist for the show.

He claims his current private psychiatrist had advised him not to play the game because of so many people in a small space. He withheld this information and told the show's psychiatrist that he had never been treated by another psychiatrist. Social media has posts suggesting he is giving this information now in hopes of getting put out of the Big Brother game rather than quitting.