President Donald Trump took to Twitter Thursday morning with a startling statement of denial against the Democrats’ claim on the DACA deal. This came a day after media coverage alluded that the Trump administration and key Democrats have worked out a deal to prevent deporting 800,000 dreamers.
On his favorite social media platform, the President announced that no deal was made on DACA. According to Trump's tweet, the Democrats must agree on increased Border Security before any deal on DACA would be made.
Trump shocks Democrats - no wall - no DACA
Trump’s statement came as a shock to top congressional Democrats, who had claimed that they had reached a deal with the President. Accordingly, the deal was to stop the deportation of thousands of illegal student immigrants. Also, it was reported that they had also agreed that no wall would be built on the border between the USA and Mexico.
The agreed deal was announced by Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. They told the media late Wednesday that they have reached a deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Reportedly, a new DACA law was also assured, and the improved border security package would have no border wall included.
US President Donald Trump praised illegal immigrants
Trump also denied the claims on the border security wall, he announced that the wall construction had started by rebuilding the existing fences and walls. The President in his tweet promised that the security wall would be completed as promised to the American citizens.
President Trump, however, surprised the entire world when he defended the undocumented young immigrants in another tweet.
According to the US leader, the illegal immigrants were nice, educated and successful young people. Reportedly, this new deal between the Democrats and the Trump administration had only further upset the Republican Party. The GOP senators were already stunned after the President sided a few weeks ago with Democrats to extend the government funding until the end of 2017.
DACA, created by ex-president Barack Obama had protected 800,000 individuals who came to the US illegally as children. And although they proceeded to get proper education and careers, they still face the prospect of being deported to their native homelands. The White House administration stated that Congress has six months to pass a protection law before DACA is completely dismantled.
On Wednesday, a statement from the White House iterated that the US President wants Democrats and Republicans to work together to tackle many of the issues in bipartisan efforts. Donald Trump also stated that It is important that both parties stay positive to reach tentative agreements.