As the war between conservatives and liberals rages on under the new presidential administration the debate surrounding women's health continues to illicit controversial moves by law-makers. Jessica Farrar, a representative in the Lone Star State, is moving a bill that would place a real burden on men. The idea is to help males understand what it is like to be a woman in America, or more specifically Texas, and what the hurdles they have to face daily are.

Men in Texas facing stiff penalty

Representative Jessica Farrar from Texas has proposed a bill that fine men up one-hundred dollars for masturbating. The bill similarly describes a waiting period that a man would have to go through if he wanted a procedure like a colonoscopy, vasectomy or the drug Viagra. It is meant to point out the double standard in women's health care through the state of Texas. Although Farrar does not expect her bill to get too far she hopes that it makes an impact in the realm of women's health.

Women's health in Texas

The reproductive rights of women have been in jeopardy in the Lone Star state.

Major restrictions have been placed on women's health clinics and doctors who work at those abortion clinics.The draconian laws have put pressure on women and families that are in need of those services as republican law-makers claim that they are saving lives with the measures.

Republicans have even introduced bills which force women who are planning on getting an abortion to get sonograms and graves for their unborn fetuses. As the debate continues about the beginning of life so it seems women are at the mercy of law-makers in the state.

Highlighting the plight of women

As the debate rages on more and more celebrities are coming out in support of women's rights. Conservative states like Texas are shaping up to be the battlegrounds for the next election cycle as republican leaders are seeing record lows in polling.

How much of it comes from constituents who are concerned about women's health is unclear. What is clear, however, is that the plight of women in America and the discussion surrounding reliable healthcare is fast becoming the main issue of the new presidency.

The supreme court has recently limited the abortion laws in Texas but it does appear to slow down conservatives. Representative Farrar's legislation may be one obstacle that republicans may have to come to terms with. If they continue to push the issue of healthcare a confrontation is surely on the way.