Capcom told Famitsu magazine this week that "Okami HD," which is a Zelda-like game by Capcom and Clover Studio, is set to release on Nintendo Switch in Japan on August 9, as a collector's edition and will release in the West as a digital edition this summer. It is already available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, and PC. A report by Silicon Era provided many of the details used in this article.

"Okami" was originally released in April 2006 for the PlayStation 2 right before the PlayStation 3 came out seven months later. "Okami" has a dedicated following and for good reason; it's beautiful art and roots in Japanese folklore set the game apart from many other games and although not as well-known as titles such as its sister, Capcom's "Legend of Zelda" or Square Enix's wildly successful "Final Fantasy" franchise.

'Okami' storyline and Shinto mythology

"Okami's" storyline is rich and robust, as it is about a monster that essentially consumes the world turning it into a quite literal "Hell on Earth." The main antagonist, Orochi, placed a terrible curse on the land.

Help comes in the form of a wolf-Sun God named Amaterasu. There is actually Japanese Shinto mythology involved in the video game, the legend of Yamata no Orochi. Orochi was a serpent/dragon type eight-headed-eight-tailed beast who demanded sacrifices from a family each year. Susanoo, who was thrown out of heaven, vowed to help the family. Susanoo's sister was Amaterasu, who was a solar Goddess.


"Okami's" storyline is definitely rich and when paired with its beautiful art, there is no question as to why the game is loved so much. The game contains a beautiful story told through gorgeous cutscenes and there is no question of why the game has a rating of 5-stars almost across the board on all the platforms that it has been released on and has been hailed as the "best game ever to be released" on the Wii by

It was an important milestone for Capcom when the first remastered editions came out for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, and PC, but even more of a milestone when it moved to Nintendo systems back in 2008. With the more recent and wildly successful Nintendo Switch’s release, there was little doubt what the next step for the game would be. Although it will only be digitally released on Switch, for now, gamers and fans stay hopeful and patient waiting to get their hands on a hard-copy or even a Collector's Edition, like the one that will be released in Japan on August 9.