'BlizzCon 2017' took place over the weekend and it was filled to the top with cool announcements. The video game convention commemorating everything “Blizzard Entertainment” is a popular gathering and has been for more than a decade. Fans of games such as 'World of Warcraft', 'Heroes of the Storm' and 'Starcraft', to name a few, fill the Anaheim Convention Center in California every year.

Some dress up as their favorite characters and some go as themselves but they are all there to celebrate Blizzard.

While great news for all of the aforementioned games came out of 'BlizzCon 2017', the most talked about are related to 'Overwatch.' The first-person shooter was released last year and it didn’t take long for it to become a phenomenon. High on the list of the most played video games online, of which is dominated by 'Blizzard' games, 'Overwatch' is also a source of inspiration for cosplayers at all conventions, not just 'BlizzCon'. It looks like there’s an extra cosplay option for convention-goers in the immediate future.

New hero alert!

Her name is Moira O'Deorain and her backstory is available to read in full detail. A trailer was also tweeted from Blizzard’s twitter account.

Apparently, Moira is a support hero that can deal great damage. When asked about her ability as a hybrid healer, 'Blizzard Entertainment’s' vice president Jeff Kaplan explains how she works exactly.

“...her healing that she does is cone-based, similar to Mei’s freezing spray. It hits everyone in an area. If you have a group altogether, you’re doing a lot of healing on all of them. It also leaves a heal over time on them, in addition to just the throughput healing it is doing."

Blizzard didn’t specify when Moira will be available officially but she will be tested on PC first on the “Public Test Region.”

'Blizzard World' is exactly what it sounds like

Moira isn’t the only new addition to 'Overwatch.' A new map called "Blizzard World" is coming in 2018.

It appears to be a theme park made up of Blizzard properties. Jeff Kaplan was also asked about the inspiration behind this idea for a map to which he replied, “...we’re stationed here in Orange County. We have amazing theme parks all around us. There’s no point in working on all these great properties if you don’t stop and think about, “What would it actually be like?” Can you imagine the theme park where you walk in through the gates of 'Stormwind', but then there’s a 'StarCraft Nexus' right across in the next area?”

Well, no need to imagine it now. It’s coming and it sounds awesome! Although, it was perfectly set up to be called “Blizzney" World. What a missed opportunity. Perhaps that one is too close.