There is no doubt that “Overwatch” is one of the biggest titles in recent memory. The shooter-themed title continues to gain success since its launch last year. Obviously, Blizzard is riding its growth in the industry.
According to ComicBook, “Overwatch” has helped the studio reach a good amount of monthly users. It is safe to say that the game is insanely popular today. Here is everything about it in a nutshell.
46 million monthly users
Yes, that is right – the game has helped bring 46 million monthly users to Blizzard. This figure falls under the most recent quarter.
Apart from the shooter game, “Hearthstone” also helped bring success to the company. Each of these games added a large player chunk to the overall playerbase of the studio. In the official earnings report released by the company, the total gains in monthly active users (also known as MAUs) for the shooter game were due to the two latest seasonal events. Basically, the numbers were acquired during the timeframe of the events.
“Blizzard had the biggest quarterly online player community in its history with a record of 46 million MAUs,” the earnings report claimed. Based on the numbers, the studio is up to 38 percent year-over-year. The “Overwatch” community, in particular, grew tremendously. It even continues to grow more than a year after its official launch.
It set a new all-time MAU record followed by “Hearthstone’s” success. The latter title also grew year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter. The game’s all-time record is thanks to the success of its expansion called “Journey to Un’Goro.”
High for time
Apart from the numbers and percentage above, Blizzard also revealed that “Overwatch” set a record for high time.
This refers to the time spent by players playing the game. The same can be applied to the studio’s other titles such as “Diablo 3” and “World of Warcraft.” The two titles, in particular, brought a fair share of incentives during the above quarter. Analysts report that this is by far the most successful quarter of the company, breaking records after records.
“Overwatch’s” recently introduced event called “Uprising” helped in making the quarter a success. The events introduced in May and June also kept the game afloat, bringing a good chuck of players to the pool. With the impending arrival of the Summer Games event, there is no doubt the numbers will increase. After all, it is one of the most highly anticipated events. It will bring the titular Lucioball, an Arcade mode. There will be new changes such as a Competitive version, allowing players to earn Competitive points.