Overwatch” hero Mercy has just gotten a recent rework in the game. She can no longer bring back a group of fallen allies back to life. In exchange for this, her Resurrect has been bound as her second skill on a 30-second cooldown basis. Mercy’s been pretty popular in the game since the changes hit the live servers. That said, Blizzard is already nerfing the hero on the latest PTR Patch.

Nerfing the Resurrect

While Mercy can’t bring back multiple allies, she can still resurrect two players in a row. She can use her ability, activate Valkyrie, and then use her Resurrect again since it resets. The latest PTR patch completely removes this, as per Twinfinite. Firstly, her Resurrect no longer resets when she activates Valkyrie. Secondly, the ability’s cooldown will stay fixed at 30 seconds instead of the original 10.

On the bright side, Valkyrie now doubles the range of Mercy’s Resurrect ability from five to 10 meters. This will let Mercy bring back a teammate on the front lines without having to get too close to them.

Overall, Mercy players must now play more carefully and choose when to use Resurrect. They can no longer rely on Valkyrie to pull off multiple resurrects in a match. “Overwatch” Mercy has been too powerful lately, so it’s only fitting that she finally gets a nerf. However, these changes are still on the PTR and not in the live servers. You can test out the Public Test Realm by downloading it if you have the PC version of the game.


On a different note, the “Overwatch Halloween Terror will be returning next week. The event will officially begin on Oct. 10 and end on early November. Players will have enough time to take part in the seasonal brawl and collect as many cosmetics they can.

Last year, Blizzard made some cool-looking skins for heroes like Mercy, Ana, Reaper, Junkrat, and Roadhog. For this year, they’ve teased two new skins for Reaper and McCree respectively.

The Junkenstein’s Revenge brawl might also return this year as well. The event teaser ends with Junkenstein, so it’s possible we might get another PvE event. Last year, a group of four players composing of McCree, Soldier: 76, Ana, and Hanzo had to fend off robot omnics from invading Eichenwalde castle. Both fans and critics praised the game for finally including a PvE mode, so hopefully, we’ll get the same seasonal brawl back. “Overwatch” is now available to play on the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.