There is no doubt that “For Honor” has one of the best combat experience out there. It might even be the best feature about the fighting-themed title. Unfortunately, the game did not live up to its expectations, earning the ire of fans from around the globe.

According to GameSpot, Ubisoft has just detailed all the changes they plan to introduce to “For Honor” soon. Perhaps the most interesting part here is the upcoming arrival of dedicated servers.

Here is everything this in a nutshell.

Dedicated servers are coming

The fighting-themed game started with a strong player base. It quickly accumulated a huge following soon after the studio released. However, its popularity later on spiraled down due to connectivity issues and rampant server issues. Players were just not getting the gameplay experience the studio promised. This even not mentions the number of players who leave matches early. They were not just afraid to misbehave, as the developers have not introduced a penalty system (though it now exists). All of these impacted the game’s marketability, preventing it from reaching massive success.

But now, Ubisoft Montreal is set to change the tide of war in “For Honor.” They plan to reinvigorate the game with a slew of updates and changes. There will be new modes, bug and glitch fixes, a special season, and, more importantly, dedicated servers. It is worth noting that this has been the number one request from the community. They have been clamoring about dedicated servers for the game, as the peer-to-peer system proved to be tragic. It is the cause of all server issues that the game is experiencing. Finally, this is going to be replaced.

The changes are all exciting

Right now, Ubisoft is still developing the dedicated servers for “For Honor.” They still cannot provide a plausible date of completion, but they hope to get it done before this year ends.

To compensate the ongoing development, another team from the studio will dedicate themselves to improving the current P2P system. The studio iterated that these are just temporary and that everything will be migrated to the dedicated servers in the long run. The improvements are just meant to keep the interest of players at bay, as they wait for the dedicated servers to arrive.

The studio also promised a handful of new features are coming to “For Honor.” There will also be new maps and new characters, all of which are set to make the game even more interesting. Moreover, the anticipated Ranked Play is already confirmed to arrive. It should be noted that this one is different from Dual Tournaments and Hero Series.