Just a few weeks back, developer Bungie announced the official schedule for “Destiny 2” beta phase. This is, obviously, to give fans a taste of what the sequel is all about. Surprisingly, the studio released additional details on what to expect during this phase.
According to Polygon, the opening campaign mission, which the studio teased recently, will be part of the “Destiny 2” beta.
It is called “Homecoming,” but this would not be the only endgame content the studio plans to introduce. In addition, players will gain access to the new subclasses of the sequel.
The contents included in the beta
Apart from the “Homecoming,” the cooperative three-player mode called “The Inverted Spire” will be made available alongside two other multiplayer modes called “Control” and “Countdown.” Bungie, however, did not further explain as to what extent these contents can be accessed. Perhaps few of its in-game feature will be available, while some will remain untouchable. Either way, this should give fans a clear understanding of what these contents will be.
In addition, “Destiny 2” players will also gain access to three of the sequel’s brand new character subclasses. These are namely, Dawnblade Warlock, Sentinel Titan and Arcstrider. More importantly, players will be able to experience the new social space called “The Farm” for an hour starting at 10 AM PT on Sunday, July 23. Bungie iterated that “most services and vendors” will go offline, as the studio wants to see a number of players they can accommodate during the phase.
Other features explained
The “Destiny 2” developer explained that both Control and Countdown will be made playable, but only on the new maps built. The studio, though, promised that Control will arrive at the beta phase with “some impactful changes.” But as far as what these changes are, they remain a mystery.
It should be noted that any progress made in the beta phase will not be carried over to the official game. Interestingly, players who participate in the testing phase will receive a special beta banner, which they will receive once the game officially launches.
The beta phase of “Destiny 2” is slated to kick off on PlayStation 4 come July 18 and Xbox One on July 19. As for the open beta, Bungie will launch it on consoles come July 21, while the whole test phase ends on July 23. It is worth noting that the beta phase is only available to those who pre-ordered the game. For PC, players will have to wait until August to experience the beta phase. The sequel arrives on consoles on September 6 and October 24 on PC.