The Bachelor: Colton finally jumped the fence, Twitter memes erupt

The Bachelor: Colton finally jumped the fence - Image credit - Bachelor nation on ABC | Twitter
The Bachelor: Colton finally jumped the fence - Image credit - Bachelor nation on ABC | Twitter

Fans of the show waited for the fence jump by Colton Underwood that they first saw in a preview. The memes say it all.

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"The Bachelor" fans know that Colton Underwood jumped over a fence/wall as they saw it in a preview. Now, it finally happened and Twitter experienced an eruption of memes. reported that Colton "felt overwhelmed with emotion when he decided to quite literally run from the show."


'The Bachelor' went down in a bar and the crowd erupts in this video

Colton Underwood's jump got everyone going. This crowd of people in a bar went crazy for it.


The open the fence meme after Colton bolts

This meme explains how Chris probably felt when Colton jumped and ran off into the night. Bachelors aren't meant to just flip out and run away.


Colton Underwood's fence jump's great for ratings

Bachelor Nation ABC producers must be over the moon with the dramatic fence jump. This meme suggests their celebration when it all went down. It's just got to boost ratings for the show!

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