Teen Mom 2: Kailyn Lowry apologizes for behaving badly, 5 supportive tweets

"Teen Mom 2'" episode on March 4 saw Kailyn Lowry meltdown - Image credit - MTV | YouTube
"Teen Mom 2'" episode on March 4 saw Kailyn Lowry meltdown - Image credit - MTV | YouTube

When a friend told Kailyn she should consider meeting with Jo and Vee Rivera, she grew angry. However, she later apologized.

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"Teen Mom 2" episode on March 4 saw Kailyn Lowry meltdown and generally behave obnoxiously. It was all about her refusing to meet or talk to Jo Riviera and his wife Vee about child support and custody of Isaac. She even flew off the handle at her friend Becky who suggested she should talk to them. After watching the episode, Kailyn apologized to "Teen Mom 2." That took many fans of the MTV show a-back, and some of them stepped up to show support for her.


On Kailyn Lowry taking a step back

This Twitter user falt that Kailyn's anger was "semi-understandable." However, she suggested that in future, Kailyn takes a step back to see the full picture.


'Teen Mom 2' celeb gets respect

This tweet rightly points out that it's never easy to admit being wrong. Most people never get it right all the time, after all.


Supportive tweet

This follower of the MTV show felt that Kailyn managed to recognize that she was a 'b*tch' but it takes growth to spot it.

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