Broken Penis is not the kind of thing any man would like to think about, or so I'm told by someone who knows these things. For comedian, Ross Asdourian, the unthinkable happened. Broken penis man actually laughs about the painful experience. He just released a hilarious book about it.

Most people would bury the painful pelvic experience and hope to never relive it, but the Daily Mail reported that he released a book about the traumatic incident called "Broken Bananah: Comedy, Life, and Sex ...

Without a Penis,'" on Wednesday. carried the coverage for the release party which was written by Hilary Schuhmacher. She explained how Ross and the guests mingled and had a few drinks before "he read two chapters, hilarious chapters."

Broken penis can happen during intercourse

Broken penis has a medical term "known as corpus cavernosa rupture," according to the Sun. They cited Dr. Rajveer Purohit, director of reconstructive urology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York who explained what happens. In clinical terms, the "corpus cavernosa is a pair of sponge-like tissues that runs along the length of the penis."

These are what fill up with blood so a man can maintain an erection, he explains.

If they rupture (blowout), it can cause similar damage to that which Ross Asdourian suffered.

When Ross was engaged in some hot moments with an old flame from Uni four years ago, everything went wrong in a spilt-second and that was the end of his passion, for months to come. This was followed by complicated surgery and months of recuperation. "Ross told CNN that "all men in the depths of their brain know that this is possible. And I will go a step further and say that most men have probably had scares where maybe it bent a little bit, myself included."

Broken penis is rare but it does happen

Broken penis is rare, but it does happen, and Daily Mail pointed out there have been more than one hundred reported cases in the USA.

It's not very likely that those who have experienced it are laughing much. It is also not likely that they crowdfunded to a write a book about it.

Ross seems to be the only person on the planet who experienced a broken penis and then wrote a laugh-filled book about his intimate demise.

Although the condition is extremely painful, Ross managed to have some coherent moments and News Com AU quoted his call to the emergency services. He said, “Hi. I think I’m going to need an ambulance. I believe I broke my penis.”

The hilarious book is a must-read

According to Hilary Schuhmacher, who attended the release party, the book is "thoroughly" entertaining and she mentions how people who were at the reading were for 'gasping for breath' between laughter.

"Broken Bananah: Comedy, Life, and Sex ...Without a Penis," by Ross Asdourian is listed as available on Amazon.