Yogurt is not only good for eating even though that's the only thing many people use it for. The dairy product can also be used as a Beauty Product for the skin and hair by both men and women. Once people begin to use it on their body and see the great results, they will wonder why they didn't know about this before.

For the skin

There is no need to purchase expensive yogurt from the grocery store.

Also, there is no need to buy yogurt with fruit in it. It is better to buy plain unsweetened yogurt if you are going to use it as a beauty product. Most people know that yogurt contains calcium, protein, vitamin D, probiotics and other ingredients which aid in digestion, but it is good to know that these ingredients also work wonders on the skin and hair.

Because yogurt contains lactic acid, it dissolves dead skin, and the alpha hydroxy acid gives skin a smooth, natural glow. When used on the skin in summer or winter, it relieves sunburn and relieves itchiness. It also gives the skin a soothing feeling because of its zinc content.

You no longer have to suffer from psoriasis. If you rub plain yogurt over the affected area, you will see a difference after about half an hour. Yogurt has a mild bleaching agent that eliminates blotches and discoloration of the skin.

Dr. Judith Hellman, Dermatologist and Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Mt. Sinai Hospital, says yogurt helps to rejuvenate and soften the skin and is a good moisturizer for the face, hands and feet. It is ideal to help teenagers eliminate acne. Older adults can use it to give themselves an anti-aging facial because it reduces wrinkles and fine lines on the face and neck. One of the best things men and women like is that yogurt is good for eliminating dark circles under their eyes.

For the hair

Vitamin B5 and vitamin D in yogurt help hair stay healthy. Simply rub some on your hair and massage the inexpensive product into your scalp to see results. It prevents hair from falling out, as well as treating embarrassing dandruff.

Other uses

Don't keep your yogurt in your refrigerator only for a breakfast meal or a bedtime snack. Open up a container to moisturize your dry hands and cracked heels. Use it on your nails to make them shiny. Wipe some on your teeth to help whiten them.

The list of things you can do with yogurt as a beauty product is limitless. Stock up on containers of store brand yogurt or other brands when the product goes on sale. Since there are so many uses for the dairy product, you are sure to use it all before it expires.