Spoiler alerts indicate that "General Hospital" has a new rebel with a cause. Jax and carly's daughter Josslyn is beginning to act out her aggression. Even though she has a great support system from her family the issues this teen is dealing with are pretty big and she cannot help but display erratic behavior.

Sonny Corinthos is the root of all Josslyn's evil

In Josslyn's teenage mind, the root of all the evil in her life has been caused by her stepfather Sonny Corinthos. Even though Sonny was cleared in the car bombing that claimed the life of his son Morgan Joss holds him responsible for her half brother's death.

Joss also blames Sonny because he is always coming in and ou of her mother's life causing pain. At this point, Sonny and Carly have been married five times and divorced four. They are presently separated.

During a time when they were not together, Sonny slept with Ava Jerome who had been dating his son and Joss's brother Morgan. Ava gave birth to a little girl Avery and it was determined that Sonny is the father. Knowing that her stepdad slept with the same woman as her half brother is just another reason Josslyn has such strong feelings of anger for Sonny,

Josslyn has told her mother other and over that she needs to cut Sonny loose for good but Carly tells Joss that she is too young to understand the dynamic between her and Sonny.

Joss is most upset because in a fit of jealousy Sonny had the teen's father Jax deported to Australia and banned from the U.S. The only way Joss can see her dad is if she travels down under.

Joss will continue her destructive behavior

Josslyn has already been verbally abusive to her mother Carly on more than one occasion. She has expressed her concerns to big brother Michael who tries to reassure her but Josslyn stays upset.

Spoiler alerts indicate that Joss is going to continue to act out and even lie to her grandmother Bobbie. So it seems that her teen angst and anger over the dysfunction in her family are going to take a toll on the girl.

Now Joss is home alone because Sonny and Carly have traveled to Peurto Rico. She is planning to make use of the empty house and no doubt will get into much trouble.

Spoiler alerts hint, however, that of all the people in her life it may be the man she blames for all her problems who will be her salvation. Sonny Corinthos the evil stepdad could just be the one to get Josslyn back on the right track. The person she least cares for right now may the one who helps ease the teen's pain.