We are approaching the end of “blindspot” Season 2, and with that, we are at that moment of the story where questions are only going to become even more powerful for all on the series. There will be some more twists and turns with another original tattoo story that is presumably going to begin with something greater. Moreover, Jane is going to receive a thing or two more when it comes to Oscar, a man who has truly been drawing the line the vast majority of this season.

Plot and highlights of the last episode

During the last episode, Shepherd (M. Hurd) muscled her access to the FBI, setting explosives and taking over Patterson’s lab in order to blow up seven central structures.

The organization was able to limit all but two being damaged, but Shepherd went away, bringing Roman (L. Mitchell) with her. In the track of the event, which took the life of Pellington and critically injured Zapata, Weller was sent into a protective watch precisely where Shepherd needs him as her last goal unfurls. The synopsis of the new episode 22 of "Blindspot" Season 2 published on Cartermatt affirms that the team will be trading with Shepherd. But it is also announced that Kurt Weller will be "in the middle of an unexpected event". In the meantime, Jane Doe will be dealing with "an unknown future". Could this suggest that Jane will end up competing against her own brother in this new chapter?

Or is it plausible that Roman will really find a system to break Sandstorm from the center in "Lepers Repel"? There are spoilers that Roman may have chosen to go with Shepherd so he can support Kurt Weller, Jane Doe, and the team in the season finale.

Episode 22 spoilers and trailer

In a conversation with TV Guide, the producer Martin Gero stated that Phase Two will represent a crucial part in the last four episodes of the TV Series.

These closing four episodes of "Blindspot" season 2 really practically play out as one colossal finale. These chapters have rather big twists but Phase 2 will play out over these last series chapters, he revealed. In the meantime, NBC just renewed “Blindspot” for a third season. The closing episode of this second season of “Blindspot” will see the appearance of Hurd’s Shepherd.

Jane, Roman, and Weller will get into a grisly battle in episode 22 of “Blindspot” Season 2. This final episode of the second season of "Blindspot" will air on Wednesday, May 17 at 8.00 p.m. EST on NBC.