Boris Johnson, the US foreign secretary, emphasized in a forceful speech that President Trump should act out his absolute duty to safeguard the American nation as well as its allied countries against North Korea. He urged the US government to employ a military strike against the rogue nation, The Telegraph reported.

The foreign secretary also warned that the North’s dictator reached the verge of that capability of acting out his threat to reduce the United States mainland into ash. That followed President Trump’s statement that the United States is "totally prepared" to wage war against Kim Jong-un’s communist regime.

The US military forces had already begun sending fighter jets over North Korea. Also, the US president previously threatened to unleash “fire and fury” on North Korea.

The influence of Johnson

During his speech at a conference about global security organized by the Chatham House foreign affairs in London, Boris Johnson focused on the focal function of the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The treaty has limited the increase of the weapons of mass destruction since 1970.

Moreover, according to the foreign secretary, diplomatic negotiations were the only tried and tested method of preventing a nuclear war, Express reported. He also stressed how and why several countries decided to embrace the US protection against nuclear weapons after the Second World War.

European and Asian countries, Johnson said, chose this protection. In addition, this protection was one of the United States’ greatest contributions to the age of peace and prosperity that people around the world “have all been living through.”

America’s greatest achievement

That American protection against nuclear weapons was incorporated in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Under the treaty, 191 nations collaborated and recognized the particular function of the five existing nuclear powers. Also, the treaty also compelled that there should be no further spread of nuclear weapons.

Johnson further explained that under the treaty other countries would be allowed to employ nuclear technology so long as it was utilized for exclusively for civilian purposes.

The treaty was indeed “a great diplomatic achievement,” he asserted. The United Kingdom also played a crucial role in the creation of that treaty.

Furthermore, Johnson argued that diplomatic solutions should only be opted in addressing the North Korean crisis provided that Kim’s regime would change its course. But the military option should remain on the table, he concluded.