WhatsApp is expanding its scope after the popular Messaging App launched its latest Update that has everything to do with sending files. According to WccfTech, users of the said application can now use the platform to share almost any type of files.
How did it work and what's new
Previously, users could send images, GIFs and videos using the platform. But now, even MP3's and PDF files can be sent via WhatsApp, as long as files don't exceed the 100MB limit, over which the application would not process or send the message.
Interestingly, the 100MB limit applies to Android users while iOS users can enjoy a much bigger capacity with a total of 128MB.
Beating the competition
WhatsApp is currently in competition with Viber, Google Allo, and Skype. Fortunately for the brand, its gradual transition to a better service is very much appreciated by consumers. In 2016, the messaging app celebrated its 1 billionth user. A milestone that came shortly after it was announced that the application would be free to users.
When it started, WhatsApp charged subscription fees to users in their first year. The decision was also brought by the fact that most of its users did not have credit or debit cards.
Most of them worried about losing contact with their loved ones if they fail to pay the yearly charges. It is also through this decision that the application increased its number of users in just a few months.
More updates
Meanwhile, some of the most notable updates on WhatsApp include the Status, which cost the application some negative feedback after it was accused of copying SnapChat's feature. In November 2016, the company announced the development of video chat, a feature that most users waited for so long. Apparently, it was the massive request from users that moved the company to finally include the feature. Plus, they are aware of the importance of seeing family members and not just hearing their voices.
Another WhatsApp feature is its camera option allowing users to write or draw on videos and images before sending. Emojis can also be included in the pictures. Following this update, a photo taken can be immediately edited as editing options will automatically appear after snapping the picture.
Safe to use
There's no doubt, WhatsApp is one of the most fun and useful messaging app these days. But most of all, its WhatsApp launching the end-to-end encryption that made users more confident in using the application. Messages and group chats are now inaccessible to hackers and all types of cyber criminals.