The unlocked variant Samsung Galaxy S7 edge received its Android Nougat update around the beginning of May. The device’s sibling - the Galaxy S7 - is now receiving the long-awaited Android N update. Carrier locked versions of both smartphones received the same update months ago, but users of the unlocked variant were still waiting to lay their hands on the latest OS for the 2016 flagships.
Even though the Galaxy S7 is now receiving the update, Android Nougat is not new and whispers of its successor, Android O or Android Oreo are floating online.
The Android Nougat update for the Galaxy S7 has rolled out in a strange fashion. Usually, the unlocked variants of the smartphone are the first to receive updates as the carrier locked devices need to test out new versions of the OS before it is pushed out to the general public. However, in this case, the update rolled out to the carrier locked devices first and is making its way to unlocked variants much later.
Details of the rollout
The Android 7.0 Nougat update for the smartphone can now be downloaded by users.
The update weighs around 1.2GB. Therefore, owners will need to ensure that they have a strong Wi-Fi connection. Users will also have to ensure they have enough free memory space to download the OTA software update, as well as sufficient battery charge.
Android N brings several new features to the Samsung handset. For example, it introduces the multi-window mode through which users can open several apps simultaneously. Users will also get the ability to bundle similar notifications together so that it does not create a clutter on the screen. Android Nougat also adds the ability to turn on the Doze mode feature, which will extend the battery life of the smartphone.
How users responded
After the news of the update’s rollout, owners of the handset took to social media to share how they felt about the delay.
Many users were left wondering why the update took almost 3 months longer to arrive or the unlocked device than it did for the locked version. Others noted that Android O beta versions were already being pushed out and complained that Samsung deliberately delayed the update for the unlocked variant.
Some users were thankful for the update even though it arrived late. These users shared that they installed the same and everything was working smoothly. Despite the delay, it appears that Samsung has finally appeased users of the unlocked variant of the Galaxy S7 in the U.S.