The smartphone space has been abuzz with rumors of the upcoming Oneplus 5. Earlier last week, OnePlus was on a spree of announcements, which steadily built up the stage for the launch of its OnePlus 5 smartphone. Earlier last week, the China-based smartphone company confirmed that the impending handset would be powered by Qualcomm’s latest chipset Snapdragon 835, which is currently housed in Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+.

Apart from that, the company also announced that it will stop the production of its popular OnePlus 3T smartphone, presumably to clear of shelves for the upcoming OnePlus 5 and also to focus on the impending handset completely. The company made the last call for OnePlus 3T through an emotional post in its support forum. For long, rumors were rife in the tech market that the OnePlus 5 would come with an excellent Camera. It seems that OnePlus has finally shed some light on that rumor.

OnePlus 5 may possess a superior camera

On Monday, May 29, the company took to Twitter to share two pictures of scenery where the images were stitched together to look like one.

One picture was numbered 1 and the other was marked 2. It was evident from the picture quality and color that the two pictures were taken with two different devices. OnePlus asked people to identify which of the two pictures were captured by the upcoming OnePlus 5 smartphone.

While it is obvious that one of the devices used to click the pictures was OnePlus 5, the other is likely to be an older OnePlus smartphone model. Both the pictures were placed beside each other to make the difference in the picture quality and color apparent. While the second image is brighter with more focus on its objects, the first one is comparatively dull.

With the revelation of sample images, the company is hinting at the superior camera the upcoming device may possess.

However, given that rumors were rife about OnePlus 5 coming with a dual camera setup, it is quite possible that both the pictures were captured by the same handset and not some other device.

Camera rumors

Earlier rumors suggested that the OnePlus 5 may be equipped with a 23MP rear and 16MP front camera. If these specifications turn out to be true, then it will be one impressive camera, which smartphone lovers would love to put into use. However, contradictory rumors also surfaced stating that the smartphone will come with a dual rear camera setup. The dual camera setup rumors received further support from a slew of leaked designs and sketches pertaining to the yet-to-be-announced device. Irrespective, the tweet from the company confirms that it is working hard to come up with a ground-breaking impressive camera.