It's been an interesting offseason for the Nebraska football team. There has been a bit too much negative news surrounding the Huskers this winter, whether you're talking about players getting into legal trouble or coachings getting diagnosed with a form of throat cancer. When the skies are gray and the ground is frozen, it can feel as though all of the news is negative. That's why it's nice to see a touch of something truly positive surrounding the Cornhuskers every now and then, even if it's not about how much they can now lift in preparation for the new season.

Wandale Robinson has managed to bring a dose of positivity to the team by going to bat for a very special child back in his hometown. While fans are looking forward to seeing what Robinson can do on the field, what he's doing off of it should make them feel good already.

Wandale Robinson reaches out for Gideon

Robinson took to his Twitter account to speak to his more than 13,000 followers about a young man in Kentucky who goes by the name of Gideon. Gideon has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The young man and his mother Abby recently entered a contest that, had he got enough votes would have allowed him to win a $7,000 bike that has been built especially for kids like him.

The Nebraska football signee and future star put out a plea to his followers to go and vote and included a link to the contest's website.

That contest has now ended and unfortunately, the boy was not among the winners. If you are wanting to help, there is still a way to donate to Abby and Gideon Robinson, so that he can ride a bike with the rest of his family.

Nebraska football and it's a long history of helping

Wandale Robinson is far from the first Husker to want to reach out and help those who need it.

Former head coach Tom Osborne has long been a force for attempting to help the less fortunate in Nebraska. More recently, Rex Burkhead put Team Jack on the map and the entire football team quickly embraced the young man at the center of that effort.

Scott Frost and the rest of the coaching staff have even reached out in more low key ways.

Last season, it was brought to their attention that a Husker fan's friend had recently passed away and the fan wanted to get an autographed hat to the family. Once it found it's way to Nebraska football staff, they were quick to pass it up the chain and get it in the hands of Frost, who went out of his way to make sure the family knew they were appreciated.