Usman Umar has revealed new details about his troubled marriage to Lisa Hamme. The two reality stars tied the knot during the fourth season of “90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days” despite their obvious differences. Fans were not surprised when the couple had a nasty dispute during the season-ending Tell All episodes. However, Usman recently took to his Instagram page and revealed some private information about his failed relationship with Lisa.

Usman recently shared screenshot messages from Lisa’s ex-boyfriend

According to the Nigerian reality star, Lisa was dating another man in the United States during their run on “90 Day Fiancé.” Usman posted some screenshots of the conversations he had with Lisa’s boyfriend.

The man going by the name Tracy Robinson warned Usman about marrying his American girlfriend, and he claimed that he had an affair with her. Tracy added that Lisa was a player and a gold digger, and he called her an online fraudster. The mysterious boyfriend told Usman that he had proposed to Lisa, and she had traveled to Nigeria with his engagement ring, as well as a black wedding band he had gifted to her. Tracy concluded his text messages by warning Usman that his 54-year-old fiancé was toxic, and she would cheat on him.

Fans have had mixed reactions to Usman’s latest revelations

While captioning the sensational screenshot pictures, Usman wrote that he was grateful to have ended his relationship with Lisa.

The Nigerian reality star admitted that he had initially disregarded the messages because Lisa had brainwashed him. However, Usman declared that he was happy because he had not traveled to the United States to live with his American wife. The 33-year-old ended his post by calling Lisa an old woman, and he claimed that her behavior was undesirable.

90 Day Fiancé” viewers have had mixed reactions to Usman’s explosive revelations. A section of fans has supported the Nigerian reality star for breaking up with Lisa. However, some of his Instagram followers criticized him for calling Lisa an old woman. The fans pointed out that Usman had already agreed to marry the 54-year-old reality star during their run on “90 Day Fiancé,” and he had never complained about her age.

In addition to sharing the screenshot messages about Lisa, Usman recently announced that he had served her with divorce papers. The 33-year-old made the disclosure in a recent interview with Us Weekly magazine, but he alleged that Lisa had refused to cooperate with his lawyers. It will be interesting to see how Lisa responds to Usman’s latest criticism. The American reality star recently held a private Zoom session with fans and revealed intimate details about her relationship with Usman. “90 Day Fiancé” viewers can expect Lisa and her Nigerian ex-husband to continue airing their dirty laundry on social media.