The "90 Day Fiance" duo, Juliana Custodio and Michael Jessen, are celebrating their honeymoon together. Juliana posted a picture of her and her husband on her Instagram. They were wearing face masks and it appeared in her location tag that she was at Disney Springs.

The reality star couple was seen kissing with their face masks on. Juliana captioned the photo, "Honeymoon with the big love of my life @michael_jessen_77"

Syngin Colchester, the husband of Tania Maduro from "90 Day Fiancé" Season 7 commented, saying that it was awesome and they should have fun.

Another cast member, Anny, commented, saying they should enjoy it.

Comments on Juliana Custodio's post

A fan asked the "90 Day Fiance" reality star why they were doing their honeymoon now when they married a long time already. Custodio replied to her fan, saying that they did not celebrate their honeymoon before. Maybe they had other issues to sort out.

Another fan asked if Disney was open and someone replied saying it was only Disney Springs that was open.

Follower gives nasty comment on Juliana Custodio post

A follower commented on her post saying that she was kissing her dad. It was very obvious that the man in the photo was Michael Jessen, her husband. Jessen is forty-two years old while Custodio is 20 years old.

Their age difference is huge but the "90 Day Fiance" duo proved to viewers many times that they are in love and age is just a number.

Juliana replied to the hater, saying thanks and correcting the obvious by telling the person that it was her husband and not her father.

Other fans react to a negative follower on '90 Day Fiance' star's post

Juliana was not the only one that replied to the comment as many other people replied too. Some of them called the toll "jealous" while others referred to his comment as a form of bullying and a nasty comment.

Juliana has been doing photoshoots for her job as well.

She recently did a photoshoot and captioned it on her Instagram, "Believe in Yourself."

Michael commented on the post saying that her inner beauty was amazing and he loved her.

Michael posted an old photo of Robert Johnson holding his guitar on his Instagram account and used the same hashtag, the "King of Delta Blues."

One of his fans told him that she's into Robert Johnson and Delta Blues and wanted to know more. Jessen replied, saying that the photo was the third verified picture of Johnson and was released by his step-sister. He also said he hoped it wasn't hoaxed.

What do you think of Michael Jessen and Juliana Custodio? What do you think of their honeymoon? What do you think of the timing? Do you think it's the right time for them to be going on their honeymoon considering the current coronavirus issue happening all over the world?