"90 Day Fiancé" star, Lisa Hamme, has recently come under pressure after fans learned that she had called Usman the N-word during an argument. The couple recently got married, but many viewers of the popular TLC show have criticized Lisa for treating Usman disrespectfully. After the allegations about her use of the racial slur emerged, fans accused Lisa of racism, and they felt that she did not respect Usman’s culture. However, the American reality star has defended herself from the accusations, and she recently revealed that she would support Usman if he chose to exercise his Muslim tradition and marry other wives.

Lisa accepts four wife

While commenting on a live Instagram video, Lisa said that she embraced the Nigerian culture that allows men to marry four wives. Over the past week, Lisa has talked up the possibility of allowing Usman to marry other wives. At 52-years old, Lisa could have trouble conceiving, and she has acknowledged that she would have no choice but to allow Usman to marry another woman. Lisa has repeatedly stated that her husband would have to satisfy all her financial needs before he took on another woman.

Even though she is not opposed to Usman marrying other wives, Lisa has still received criticism for her attitude towards him. Viewers have speculated that Lisa’s jealous attitude would be difficult for Usman to deal with if they decided to have a polygamous marriage.

Lisa has clashed with her Nigerian husband for what she has perceived to be his friendly attitude towards other women. Usman is a hip-hop artist in his country, and he has had a hard time interacting with female fans because of Lisa’s envy. The American reality star has traded insults with some of her husband’s female fans, which has led to viewers accusing her of trying to sabotage Usman’s music career.

Death threats

In a recent interview, Lisa revealed that she had received death threats from fans in Nigeria for using the N-word during her argument with Usman. The American said that the fans had also threatened to kill her daughter. Although she has claimed that Usman forgave her for using the controversial word, the Nigerian reality star has not talked about the incident in public.

Fans are looking forward to the upcoming Tell All episodes to learn more about Usman’s side of the story. The 31-year-old has in the past said that he istired of Lisa’s arrogant attitude, and there are rumors that he could get into a fight with her during the Tell All episodes. Many viewers should expect Usman to reveal what led to the fight as well as whether he intends to marry more women in the future. Stay tuned for more news and updates on "90 Day Fiance."