"90 Day Fiance" star Deavan Clegg ended up with a botched lip filler procedure in Korea. And, in her recent Christmas outing video, her face still looked swollen and sore. As reported, she explained to a fan in the comments that she had "root canal issues." But, now, she says she's pain-free and loves her new teeth. She also explained how she got them fixed. On another note, Deavan also said that she never had a nose job.

Deavan Clegg fans ask if she had her teeth done, '90 Day Fiance' star explains

Taking to her Instagram late Tuesday night, Deavan decided the time came to answer questions about her teeth. She shared a photo of herself, looking very beautiful as usual. Deavan's a model so really knows how to look good for the cameras. She said in the caption, "A lot of people have been asking about my teeth." Then, she confessed that she got them done.

After thanking the people who worked on her choppers, she went on to describe that they make her feel "confident" as she has "an amazing smile." For some reason, it seems pretty Deavan felt her teeth needed work as she explained she "always wanted" a nice smile.

Then, talking about dental pain, the "90 Day Fiance" star said, "My teeth feel and look amazing I’m no longer in pain." She ended with, "I feel beautiful and I am finally confident to smile again."

Deavan's dental procedure sounds painful, some '90 Day Fiance' fans think

Naturally, when they see someone looking good, fans also hope for the same looks as their favorites on the TLC show. One fan asked Deavan, "Ok, break it down to me... do they pull them all and basically give you "dentures" or are these more like slide on "flippers" like they use in pageants? Girl, I'm scared LOL." Kindly, "The Other Way" star replied to her follower.

According to Deavan, the way they did her teeth involved "shaving down" the originals and then capping them.

That sounds really uncomfortable so other fans wanted to know if the procedure was as painful as it sounds. But, Deavan never replied to that. A "90 Day Fiance" fan confessed, "I want this done but I’m scared. Kinda freaks me out to have my real teeth shaved down."

Deavan denies ever getting a nose job

On the post about her teeth, some fans commented about Deavan using filters. They said that she looked good enough to not need filters. And, one follower asked if she also got her nose done. They asked, "You look beautiful but you’ve always been beautiful. Did you also have a nose job or is the new look all from your teeth?" But the model from "90 Day Fiance" denied she ever did.

In reply to the fan, Deavan said, "no plastic surgery.

I would never touch my nose I like my nose a lot." Well, she might also fear any more filler, surgery, or injections to her face at the moment. As The Daily Mail UK reminded us in mid-November, she ended up getting her "dying lips" repaired at a special remedial treatment center.

What do you think of Deavan Clegg's new teeth? Do you think it sounds like a painful procedure? And, do you believe she never got a nose job?

Remember to follow the Reality TV Channel on Blasting News for more info and feedback about the cast of TLC's "90 Day Fiance."