Spoiler alerts for "The Young and the Restless" indicate that things are about to get pretty messy for detective Rosales. On Monday, Paul will demand that Rey turns over his badge and his gun because he did not go by the book. It's being assumed that this is related to his helping Sharon, Nikki, and Victoria but there is also the issue of Mia being the one to put Lola in a coma and in need of a liver donor.

There are basically three ways this situation could go and only one leads to Rey being reinstated as a cop. The other two involve his beginning a new career or leaving Genoa City for good. The ball will be in chief William's corner.

Paul is in charge of Rey's fate

Celeb Dirty Laundry confirms what previews show taking place on Monday's "Y&R" episode. An angry Paul demands that detective Rosales hand over his gun and badge. Police chief Williams tells Rey that he believed he was a by-the-book cop, so he obviously found out that his new hire has not been. Viewers are now left wondering what new head writer, Josh Griffith, will do with this character.

There are three possible outcomes to this situation and the first is that Rey gives up his badge and gun and leaves Genoa City.

The second thing that could happen would be for the Newmans to pull strings to keep Rey at the GCPD because, in the end, he did help the cover-up crew. Soap Dirt points out that Christine and Paul are the reason JT came back to Genoa City in the first place. They hired him to get dirt on Victor and this is how he ended up with Victoria again. The spoiler says Victor will be seeking revenge so he may lobby for Rey to be reinstated in order to stick it to chief Williams and his wife. Rey could also file an appeal.

Rey and Paul may work together or not

Should detective Rosales manage to get reinstated, he and Paul may eventually call a truce and the men work together.

If not, there are two more scenarios that could play out. If Rey finds himself out of work, he may turn to a different profession and remain in town. He could also decide to leave Sharon, Mia, and Genoa City behind. Fans are speculating on the fate of the entire Rosales family but the new head writer, Josh Griffith, has been mum on the issue.

Whatever happens to detective Rosales will be a light affliction compared to the wrath of Victor against Christine and her spouse. "The Young and the Restless" was pre-empted Thursday and Friday because of the NCAA Championship. Paul returns and Rey is asked to turn in his badge and gun on Monday, so be sure to tune in at 12:0 PM EST on CBS.