"Sister Wives" star, Meri Brown's a strong woman, and she took to Instagram on International Women's Day to share that it's a common trait in her family. Fans of the TLC show know Meri acquired her ancestral home in Utah, and now operates it as Lizzies Heritage Inn. Lizzie was no shrinking violet back in her day.

Meri Brown of 'Sister Wives' comes from strong stock

Fans of the "Sister Wives" show often suggest that Meri's too prone to tears. However, what we see on the Reality TV show, and what has changed in real life are often quite different.

Plus, fans also know that sometimes TLC portrays an angle that may alter our perceptions of their cast. In fact, over the last year or so, most of Meri's posts showed she was growing stronger. She lost weight, fought to raise her own funding for the BnB, and took on a positive attitude.

Now, she went online to show that she has an equally determined ancestor who never backed down when the odds were stacked against her. Speaking of Lizzie, Meri said she "Spent the day with friends and family at the B&B. How fitting it is on International Women's Day to share one of my favorite stories about this amazing woman!"

'Sister Wives' ancestor stood up for what was right

On her Lizzie's Heritage Inn site, Meri elaborated further about what Lizzie did.

Bear in mind that back in her day, women had very few rights. However, as Meri explains it, some of them had a voice and they used it. They also demonstrated through their actions when it became necessary. When Lizzie stood up for something right, Meri says, "She was a woman ahead of her time!"

It turns out that "the Old Rock Church nearby Lizzie’s Heritage Inn was to be torn down by the city.

Lizzie was a member of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, together they made every effort to save the church from demolition. The day came and the city was there to knock it down. Lizzie couldn’t let that happen she marched up the steps and stood in front of the church sending a clear message to the city.

The church still stands today."

International Women's Day - Meri Brown

International Women's Day was a great opportunity for Meri Brown to talk about the courage of her ancestor. Meri fought hard to keep the family home within her family. There seems to be a lot of Lizzie in sister wife, Meri. What do you think of Lizzie standing up to the city fathers in her day?

Remember to stay in touch with the TV Shows and Celebrities Channels on Blasting Pop for more news about "Sister Wives."