TLC announced their new special, "Our Twinsane Wedding" which premieres February 11 at 10:00 PM. ET on TLC. The announcement that identical twin sisters Brittany and Briana Deane, married identical brothers Joshua and Jeremy Salyers immediately sparked conversation on Instagram. In fact, reactions seem to show that people think it could be fun, educational, and just whacky enough to garner more than a few fans.

In fact, a good, long series would be preferable as they all want to see their kids grow up.

TLC's new show sees fans searching out DNA facts

Someone who seems to know something about DNA mentioned that children from the two couples would be genetically more like siblings than cousins. Wait! What? Well, lots of people became confused by that. Here are some of the comments, but I can't vouch for the accuracy. if it's accuracy you're after, maybe hit that google search button like the rest of TLC's fans.

  • @kristina_marie_423: "what’s crazy is because there are two sets of identical twins, when they each have children, although they’ll be cousins, their DNA will be the same making the cousins actually siblings."
  • @theteddialaina: " A lot of people don’t realize things like that. Just one of the many unique things about DNA."
  • @beareroftheblingbridal: "@mrs_carrasquillo you had me googling things about eggs, twins, dna yep if they are identical twins it’s the same dna. Fraternal are like normal siblings with different dna."
  • @tahani_zahrieh: "Wonder if the couples will have twins .. also their kids will be confused ‍♀️"
  • @barbarasnetiker: "@blessed2blovedby3 genetically, yes, their children will be siblings, because they will share the same sets of grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on."

Talk about a conversation starter!

Apart from that, many people commented on how it all sounds like a lot of fun and something to tune into. TLC may be onto a winner.

'Our Twinsane Wedding' backstory reported on the backstory of TLC's "Our Twinsane Wedding." According to them, the one-hour TLC special will take people into the details of how they bond and follow them along the road to getting married. People noted, "The two identical couples wed in a joint ceremony at the 2018 Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio — where they first met the previous year. In keeping with the twinning theme, the couples were married by identical twin ministers in the ceremony themed, 'Twice Upon a Time.”'

Are you seeing double yet? What do you think about the new "Our Twinsane Wedding" special, will you watch it?

Remember to follow the Blasting Pop Reality TV and TV Shows Channels for more news about shows from TLC.