Spoiler alerts for "General Hospital" indicate that some intriguing storylines are coming soon. There is an episode ahead, where Sonny ponders how his life would have turned out if he had made different choices in his earlier years. Maurice Bernard's son, Joshua, will portray Sonny in his younger years, and Dominic Zampragna will return for one episode as a young Dante, who is married to Sam.

There is also something brewing with Kristina's new friend and Oscar's roommate Daisy. It's possible that her friends may be a cover, and she is actually attempting to draw her two new pals into a religious cult.

Daisy's intentions toward Kristina are unclear

Daisy has been hanging out at Charlie's Pub, offering advice to Kristina and Oscar. She lives with a group of people who all pay what they can toward rent, and now young Mr. Nero is living with them. On Friday (November 9), the new girl in Port Charles massaged Oscar's head and relieved him of a headache. When Kirstina asked how she was able to do it, Daisy suggested Sonny's daughter read the book "Every Day is a New Dawn."

Daisy, earlier, passed out flyers in Charlie's for a concert in the park, and now she seems to have some hidden knowledge that she wants to share with her new buddies.

Soap Dirt teases that "General Hospital" may be embarking on a storyline where Oscar and Kristina become involved in a religious cult. Both of them are vulnerable right now and searching for answers. They each also are exhibiting some rebellion toward their parents. This would be the ideal time for them to be taken advantage of, as each is at odds with their parents.

Kristina and Oscar are vulnerable

Alexis and Sonny have attempted to keep the lines of communication open with their daughter, and each offered her a job. Her response was to go to work for Julian, who is her mother's ex and her father's enemy. Kristina insists she can handle her own life, but Soap Dirt teases she may soon be in over her head.

Soaps She Knows indicates that Sonny will soon be busy pondering his past, which means he may not be aware that his daughter is in trouble. Oscar is trying to become emancipated from Drew and Kim, so they will be out of the loop as well.

If Daisy is indeed recruiting for a religious cult, and Kristina and Oscar are her targets, it will be easy for them to be lured in. The split from their families leaves them open to being taken advantage of. Be on the lookout for updated spoilers related to this storyline, and continue watching "General Hospital," weekday afternoons at 2:00 PM ET on ABC.