Since the start of his presidency, Donald Trump been accused of being obsessed with rolling back as much of the Obama legacy as possible. After Trump announced that the United States would pull out of the Iran deal, Bill Maher had a few things to say about it.

Maher on Trump

Even before Donald Trump kicked off his campaign for president in June 2015, he was vocal about his opposition to Barack Obama.

The former host of "The Apprentice" quickly became one of the highest profiled names to back the debunked "birther" movement that questioned whether or not Obama was an American citizen. Since taking office, Trump has targeted several of Obama's legislative accomplishments, including the Affordable Care Act and most recently the Iran deal. Obama was so upset with Trump's recent move that he posted a scathing response in opposition on social media.

With the controversy and scandal still hovering over the head of the White House, Bill Maher made sure to tackle Donald Trump's Obama obsession during the May 11 edition of "Real Time" on HBO.

Kicking off his show with his routine opening monologue, Maher didn't hold back his thoughts about the president, first focusing on the recent release of three Americans citizens from North Korea. "It was actually easier to get them back than we thought. They wrote a check to Michael Cohen and they were good to go," Maher said. "They are all very famous, two of them have just been 'Me Too'd'," he added to the laughter of the audience.

"The big story is that Trump pulled out of the Iran deal," Bill Maher pointed out, before going through a list of people who wanted to stay in the deal, including the majority of the United States as well as top generals. "Here's who wanted leave the deal," he added, while showing a picture of a Trump rally.

"All Trump does it pull out of sh*t. If he had a game show it'll be called ‘No Deal!'" he added. "Why did he pull out? Because of his obsession with undoing everything that Obama did," Maher went on to say, while noting, "If he could bring bin Laden back to life he would."

Next up

As Bill Maher and other critics continue to mock Donald Trump and hold his feet to the fire, the White House is dealing with an onslaught of non-stop controversy on an almost daily basis. With the Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen scandal remaining a hot topic, the Russian investigation is moving forward and showing no signs of coming to an end, all with Trump's meeting with North Korean leader Kim jong-Un just a month away.