''This Is Us'' has a decent shot to become the new standard of TV drama. Produced by NBC, this refreshing show is here to set the trend of this particular genre for the years to come. Season 2 is done and dusted and the final episode did show some of the potential new directions.

What puts ''This Is Us'' out of the overall pack is an interesting mixture, especially when it comes to the show structure.

Its complexity doesn't confuse the viewer, as a certain balance between drama, comedy, and narrative flow will always govern the whole construct. As a result, this unique blending recipe provides a much bigger audience pool and a chance to maximize the number of potential fans.

There are three distinct paths

A show of such complexity can go on for years without suffering from a narrative draught. Having multiple main characters and several well-outlined timelines will help to extend the show's future expansion. The season 2 finale offered a glimpse into a number of directions the show is likely to follow next.

It seems that Kate, Randall, and Kevin Pearson will all follow their own unique stories having only the past in common.

In the future timeline, Randall sits only with his daughter, Tess, at his side. At this point, their discussion is still a mystery, but what we know for sure, is that there's no sign of his wife, Beth, or his other daughter, Annie, or the foster daughter, Deja. The latter one may play a major role next, especially after her angry outburst from the final episode of the second season.

Kate's happiness alongside her husband Toby is subject to question too. A scene from the future that pictures an ill, bed-grounded Toby is all that we have for now.

Kevin Pearson is on his own quest as the former sitcom star is traveling to Vietnam probably to dig out more pieces of his father's past.

Where Jack and Rebecca Pearson stand

From all the pieces available, it seems that the next season will split into several distinct narrative threads. But, where exactly will Jack and Rebecca fit? When it comes to Jack Pearson, having his son Kevin following his footsteps back in Vietnam means that a big chunk of his past will be placed under the microscope. But, what's going to happen to Rebecca and her life alongside Miguel?

Although the second season finale is just a few weeks old, it's exciting to see just how many opportunities this show still has. Although a confirmation for a fourth season is yet to be delivered, the ''This Is Us'' longevity as a show shouldn't represent an issue.