“Teen Mom OG” is keeping the drama rolling as the season is nearing completion. Ryan Edwards has been working through his addiction alongside his wife, Mackenzie Standifer. The two were married last year shortly before he entered a Texas-based rehabilitation center. On the way to the quickie wedding, Edwards was filmed high while behind the wheel. The footage was shown to the public, and it was clear that Standifer was embarrassed by her soon-to-be husband as she shut the MTV camera down.
Ryan gets arrested on a heroin-related charge
Yesterday, Ryan Edwards was arrested at his home on a possession charge. He was booked and spent a few hours being booked before posting bond. Of course, “Teen Mom OG” fans have been bouncing off the walls about this. Edwards has been under heavy scrutiny because many viewers believe he is still using. There have been some signs, but Mackenzie Standifer has always said everything was okay.
There has been a lot of friction on “Teen Mom OG” regarding Ryan Edwards and his addiction. As it all played out in front of cameras, Mackenzie Standifer said she had no idea he was using.
In fact, it was revealed he was spending around $10k a week on drugs. Maci Bookout spoke out about Edwards and his issues vaguely, revealing there was something going on but she didn't tell the world the extent of things. Standifer went off on Bookout during the reunion show following Ryan's entrance into rehab. She accused his baby mama of exploiting the situation to make him look bad.
'He's fine'
According to Radar Online, Mackenzie Standifer is speaking out amid claims Ryan Edwards is back on drugs. She is insisting he is sober and the arrest was just part of the process. The initial case reportedly stems from the April 2017 incident. Standifer has been adamant about Edwards remaining sober and he has a support system in his parents as well.
“Teen Mom OG” fans aren't sure about whether they believe Mackenzie or not, but she insists he passed a recent drug test.
This news comes on the heels of the revelation Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer are expecting their first child together. The two each have a son with previous partners. They kept this a secret because they didn't want to deal with the backlash they knew would come from social media. Standifer reportedly announced the news at the reunion taping which was earlier this month. The previews for next week's episode feature Standifer waving a pregnancy test around. With this news, Edwards' legal woes are putting a damper on things.