Iconic performer and musician tom jones has made it apparently clear that he wants to have nothing to do with his son, Jon Jones. According to reports from Hollywood News Daily. Tom Jones fathered a son out of wedlock during the late 1980s during an affair with model Katherine Berkery.
There is no question Jon Berkery Jones is the legitimate blood son of the "It's Not Unusual" hitmaker. Weeks after his fling with Katherine, the young model discovered she had become pregnant with Jones' baby. After contacting Tom with the news, the singer told her he wanted nothing to do with her or her baby.
Katherine, clearly upset by Tom's hurtful remarks, forced the entertainer via court order to take a DNA test which clearly revealed...Yes, Tom Jones, you are the father.
The courts ordered Tom Jones to pay $3000 per month for support of Jon until his 18th birthday. Obviously, the courts can make you pay for your child, but not force you to be a father. Now at age 29, Jon Jones has come forward after hearing that his biological father Tom was in failing health. He reveals he wants nothing from Tom Jones, only to know him.
Jon claims he even reached out to his half-brother Mark after Linda Jones passed away, in hopes of forming a bond with his brother. It is not clear at this time as to whether the brothers will become close.
While Jon Jones claims he wants nothing from Tom, he would like to get to know him and have Tom know of his life. Jon reveals he has aspirations to be a singer.
But, after years of struggles with addiction and poor luck on the job market, he is now living in a homeless shelter in New Jersey. Jon reveals that he is at a point in his life where he feels the great need to interact with his father before time runs out for them.
Despite spending several years hating his father, Jon wants to start new and put the past behind them.
Jon reveals that every attempt he makes to speak with Tom Jones continues to be shut down. According to those closest to Tom, Tom refuses to acknowledge fathering a second child. His friends also claim that Tom has always held a firm disposition when it comes to pride.
At this time Jones’ Net Worth is listed as well over $300 million, suggesting that he should perhaps be leery of his son Jon’s intentions. However, proof has been given he is the blood son of the singer. And do Tom Jones has surely done well for himself. At this point in the 77-year-old entertainer's life, his estimated net worth is over $300 million. It is understandable that a man with the talent, empire and wealth that Jones has worked decades to single-handedly build one might shy away from a new family member showing up asking for friendship.
However, it has been proven Jon Berkery Jones is Tom Jones biological son, so Tom could at least be moved to see and talk with his child, even if he doesn't offer anything more than acknowledgment.
Tom Jones won't live forever and he can't take his money with him, so wouldn't it make sense to spread the wealth and happiness among your loved ones while you are still here to enjoy being part of it?
We wish them well. What are your thoughts on celebrity parents such as Tom Jones who totally disregard their children?