Spoiler alerts from Soap Hub have confirmed what some fans of "The Young and the Restless" have been suspecting. Kevin will play a role in exposing Chelsea's lie about her son's biological father. Greg Rikaart returns to Genoa City on Tuesday and Phyllis convinces him to help her bring down the woman who ruined his wedding to Chloe. Phyllis believes she will prove that Nick is the child's biological dad and that Ms.

Lawson is lying. Sharon has tried to prepare her for the possibility that Chelsea might be telling the truth. Now there will be irrefutable evidence that no one can deny and lives will change forever.

Kevin reluctantly helps Phyllis

Spoilers indicate that rather than attempting a DNA test, Sharon and Phyllis will be trying to figure out a way to obtain medical records from when Christain was Sully. While at Crimson Lights, they will spot Kevin talking with his BFF Mariah. Just as she is about to come clean regarding her romantic life, Phyllis will decide to interrupt the conversation. Unfortunately by the time she makes her way over to the table Kevin has gone to Jabot to meet his mom Gloria.

Phyllis is now like a dog with a bone and she tracks Kevin down by hijacking him in the Jabot elevator. She wants him to hack into the GCPD computer and he initially refuses. When Phyllis tells him that he will be bringing down the woman who caused problems for him and Chelsea, Mr. Fisher still refuses, but later has a change of heart. He returns to Crimson Lights and presents Phyllis with an envelope that has the login information to the GCPD computers.

The truth about Christian will shock Phyllis

Soap Hub spoilers say that Sharon will take the information and log on to the Crisis Center Computer. She will be interrupted by Paul but already has what she needs. Sharon takes what she has found to Phyllis who thinks she has the goods on lying Chelsea. Phyllis is absolutely stunned to find that Ms.

Laswon is telling the truth. She will have in her hands undeniable proof that Adam indeed is the biological father of Christian.

Sharon tried to warn her but Phylis was so determined to prove Chelsea was lying she did not listen.Now she has opened a can of worms and there is no turning back. Now Nick's two ex-wives will have to decide what to do with what they know. Will they keep it to themselves in order to spare Nick the pain, or will they tell all and shame, Chelsea, hoping their former spouse will dump her? Stay tuned to "The Young and the Restless" weekday afternoons at 12:30 PM on CBS.