After a rough couple of months, it looks like things may be calming down for Catelynn Lowell. She has been to rehab twice since November. Last night's episode of “Teen Mom OG” showcased what brought her to the decision to seek treatment to begin with. Lowell and her husband, Tyler Baltierra were expecting another child. That was shown on an episode of the show, but a public announcement was never made.
The miscarriage
It was speculated that a miscarriage had occurred shortly after the “Teen Mom OG” episode aired showcasing Catelynn Lowell telling Tyler Baltierra they were expecting.
She hadn't told him that she removed her birth control. They had been talking about another child, and she got pregnant immediately following the removal. Lowell ordered a big sister shirt for their daughter and surprised Baltierra. The two told their mothers as well, but it is unclear who else was in the know.
Last night's episode of “Teen Mom OG” featured Tyler Baltierra talking to Kerthy about the miscarriage. It apparently happened at home, and the two mourned the loss. Catelynn Lowell went to her doctor to confirm that is what happened. It was clear the two were suffering from the news. Kerthy talked to Baltierra outside the home and explained that Lowell had told her she wanted to kill herself.
It was an incredibly tender moment, one that was also heartbreaking. The cameras flashed to Catelynn packing, and the two were on the road. Tyler's mom called when they were on their way to the airport, and Catelynn broke down again. That was the beginning of the treatment process. Lowell came home for a few days earlier this year but returned to get more help when she realized she needed it.
Home again
Catelynn Lowell has returned home from rehab. She reportedly arrived back in Michigan last night. The “Teen Mom OG” star posted an update on Instagram. Both her and Tyler Baltierra will be headed to New York this weekend to tape the “Teen Mom OG” reunion. There was some hesitation about attending the event, but Lowell was cleared by her medical team to travel.
IT won't be easy, but being there together will be something they both need. Dr. Drew Pinsky will likely ask about the miscarriage, especially because it seems to be the one event that triggered all of this into motion.
Fans are excited to see how Catelynn Lowell is doing now. The reunion should air in a few weeks, and then, we will get to hear what she has to say.