There have been several rumors about the upcoming season of "Game of Thrones."
George R. R. Martin did not publish the next book yet. But fans are so curious that they have figured it out on their own. As the final season is coming in 2019, we have got plenty of time to predict about the season finale. In season seven, plenty of spoilers and script details were leaked, and they turned out to be true.
We have so many spoilers for season eight as well.
The cast of "Game of Thrones" is also teasing us about the ending. But none of them has said anything clearly. It seems that they do not want to give us any spoilers. But if we look at their statements wisely, we will find plenty of spoilers. Lena Headey dropped clues about the final season in her recent interview. She told Mashable, “I think pretty much everybody cried at one point.” So, the script that makes everyone cry is surely painful. Now, let’s have a look at some painful spoilers of "Game of Thrones."
Winterfell can go up in flames
There are rumors that the House Stark will fall.
Recently "Game of Thrones" is being filmed at the Moneyglass estate. Certain fan site Watchers on the wall have confirmed that Winterfell is set up to fall. The website said that Winterfell would burn. This news surely breaks the hearts of the fans.
Secret of Bran Stark
Bran Stark is suspected to be the Three-Eyed Raven. "Game of Thrones" fans are convinced about this. Some of the last words of the Three-Eyed Raven indicated that Bran would become ‘him.’ He traveled throughout time and got to learn the truth of Westeros. Max Von Sydow played this mysterious character in the series.
Tyrion Lannister’s death
This is another fan theory. Tyrion Lannister might die after betraying his queen, Daenerys Targaryen.
Why will he betray his queen? Well, the answer is quite clear. In the previous season, we saw that Jamie Lannister had left for Winterfell. This move can cause a serious problem. Jamie pushed Bran out of the window which caused him lifetime paralysis. Now, Jon won’t forgive him for such crime. He (Jon) will surely banish him. In this situation, if Tyrion takes Jamie’s side, Daenerys will not accept it. Daenerys may consider him a traitor and sentence him to death.
Jaime might kill Cersei
This is one of the oldest fan theories. Cersei thinks that Tyrion will kill her. But she has no idea that Jaime kind of hates her too. She always underestimates him. We have seen in season seven that he left for Winterfell. But he may come back and kill Cersei.
Pregnancy twist
Queen Daenerys could be pregnant. We saw Daenerys and Jon together in season seven. She might be pregnant with his baby.