kim zolciak-Biermann and her husband Kroy recently made the big decision to keep the Dog that attacked their son. Kash was attacked by their dog and after sending him to stay with a trainer for a bit, they brought him back into the home. Now Kim's dad is slamming her for this decision. The thing is Kim and her parents don't really have any kind of relationship and they don't even know the younger children at all.

What did Kim's dad have to say?

Joe Zolciak doesn't agree with their choice and he is calling them out. He talked to In Touch Weekly and said, "If I had a dog that attacked one of my children, it would be gone." If they "want to keep the dog that bit my grandson in the face, then shame on them! You don’t know if it’s going to happen again.” It is hard to listen to what he has to say seeing that he doesn't know the dog Sinn or the child Kash at all.

Sheree Whitfield shares her thoughts

Sheree Whitfield is sharing her thoughts and she is totally okay with what Kim Zolciak-Biermann decided to do. She feels like everyone should give Kim a bit of a break because is it her child and her choice.

She shared with In Touch Weekly that she knows that it had to be a long and hard decision to do this and keep the dog. She feels like Kim and Kroy know what is best for their child. It is nice to hear someone saying nice things about Kim.

When their son Kash Biermann was first attacked, Kim and Kroy didn't admit that it was their dog who attacked Kash. Instead, they just simply shared that it happened. He had to be taken to the hospital and treated. Kash even had surgery and stayed there for four days. It was a rough time for all of them and if you watch "Don't Be Tardy" you can tell that this was a hard decision for Kim and Kroy to keep the dog in their home. They also shared that they are being a lot more strict about the way that this dog is being kept and watched.

They actually talked to dog behavioral specialists, child psychologists, and dog bite survivors before coming to her decision.

The fans will be able to see more about this in upcoming episodes of "Don't Be Tardy." Last week was when they showed the big dog account that Kash dealt with and admitted it was their dog who hurt him.

Are you shocked to hear that Kim Zolciak-Biermann's dad is slamming her for deciding to keep this dog? Do you feel like he has any right to say anything? Sound off in the comments below on your thoughts, and don't miss new episodes of "Don't Be Tardy" on Friday nights on Bravo.