If you have been watching the TLC Duggar reality television show for a while now, then you would know that this family isn’t like most others. For example, your typical next door family doesn’t have 19 children, but that's not what makes their family different from the rest. You see, the Duggar family's religious and moral beliefs are very traditional and a bit different from mainstream society.

What I mean by this, is that they believe a woman has to wear a skirt below her knees and that they aren’t allowed to use social media until they are married. Well, Joy-Anna Duggar has recently come under fire for her beliefs, as she has just annoyed vegans everywhere. You can continue to read below to find out how she offended non-meat eaters.

What did this woman say?

Well, this is the part of the article that you are looking for, so I won’t disappoint. Joy-Anna Duggar and her husband, Austin Forsyth, recently attended the Stockyards Championship Rodeo in Fort Worth, Texas. The Duggar couple revealed this online and let’s just say a lot of people were not happy with them.

For example, one commenter said, “So you're anti-abortion but pro-Animal Abuse?" While another wrote, “everyone should have hate for animal abuse.”

Well, if these vegans were angry at this Duggar family member for attending the rodeo, they were even more angry at her response. The response she gave was very controversial and here is what she said: “Not animal ‘abuse’, and humans and animals are not equal.” That just angered these commenters even more, as one replied to Joy-Anna by saying “It’s incredibly arrogant of us to conclude a human life is more important than any other animal’s life.” The Duggar then finished the argument by saying that “God is no ape, and we are created in his image.” As you can see from these responses, it is safe to say that Joy-Anna will not be very welcome at some vegan festivals.

Controversy surrounding this Duggar

Joy-Anna Duggar has been in the center of attention recently. The reason for this is that many fans speculate that this Duggar and her husband Austin Forsyth had a shotgun wedding. In case you aren’t familiar with the term, a shotgun wedding is very popular in the ultra Christian community because having a child out of wedlock is seen as a sin by many families. This means that the two got married because Joy-Anna was pregnant before the actual wedding took place. The main reason as to why people believe this is because after a short while of being married the two announced their pregnancy, which sparked the rumors of the two having a shotgun wedding.