ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" has just celebrated its 300th episode and the cast couldn't be more excited. Along with the new milestone are some interesting storylines about the characters all meant to spice up the upcoming episodes. Last week saw the twist in Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) and Carina DeLuca's (Stefania Spampinato) storyline. Things are becoming more interesting for the pediatric surgeon and thanks to Carina DeLuca's equally feisty nature, the two are heading to a rough start.
Prior to the premiere of "Grey's Anatomy Season 14," rumors suggested that Arizona Robbins will return to parenting, that's to say her daughter which she shares with Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) is returning.
In Season 14, episode 5, Arizona mentioned to her then partner Carina that her daughter Sophia is coming home.
The unfaithful partner
"Grey's Anatomy" episode 6 turned the storyline of Arizona and Carina after the latter was seen hooking up with Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd). Just as Arizona is asking Andrew DeLuca (Giacomo Gianniotti) to move out to accommodate Carina and Sophia, she catches them fooling around during the hospital's open bar event.
For Arizona Robbins, this could be a good sign as she'll be able to concentrate on taking care of Sophia. But look how karma came around when she did a similar thing to Callie. Now, we all know how Arizona had a one night stand with Dr. Lauren Boswell while she was still married to Callie.
Despite Callie giving their marriage a chance, the issue eventually caught up with them and lead to a divorce and a nasty custody battle of their daughter Sophia.
A love story too soon to die
The new season started with Arizona Robbins being ghosted by Dr. Eliza Minnick (Marika Dominczyk) then as quickly as she left, Arizona found a new love interest in a bar.
Just like that, Arizona and Carina's escapade led to the discovering of Carina and Andrew's relationship as siblings. Will Carina and Arizona's love story push through? "Grey's Anatomy Season 14" episode 6 shows Arizona Robbins looking wary of Carina while performing a surgery on a teen. Whatever her plans are, we'll see them in the next episode of Greys.
Meanwhile, Owen and Carina's encounter will also be awkwardly discovered by Owen's ex-wife Amelia (Caterina Scorsone). Unfortunately, expectations of Sara Ramirez making a cameo seems far from the storyline of Arizona Robbins but who knows? Shondaland may have something special coming?