The “Universe Survival” storyline has been growing more and more interesting because of The Tournament of Power. Although the main structure of the saga is the same as “Dragon Ball Z,” it is far more interesting due to the constant introduction of new characters. Among them we can mark Jiren the Grey from Universe 11, and the Godess of Love, Ribrianne, from Universe 2. The audience has witnessed some intense and thrilling battles and a variety of skills and abilities that have contributed to the excitement this saga promotes.
New theories incoming
A few weeks ago we came to realize that the first half of the time given until the end of the Tournament of Power has finally passed. Even though most of the audience is thrilled and waiting to see the final winner at the end of the contest, many are doubtful that the event will even finish. A new theory states that the tournament will not end, but instead, be interrupted by a riot protesting the gods. According to this theory, something terrible will happen at some point during this second half of the contest. It even implies that the fact that Jiren stopped fighting to begin his meditation may be the prelude to this uprising.
Things to note
Although this theory may very well be possible, it is still too soon to confidently make assumptions.
The fact that Goku and many other powerful warriors are still in the arena may contribute to the development of the story, thus, allowing many changes in terms of the events. Kefura should be appearing in the next episodes of the series, allowing Goku (and surely Califla and Kale) to further improve his powers, and better adapt to his new Ultra-Instinct.
Also, Vegeta is still in the arena and has a pending battle against Toppo which will surely be exciting and push both warriors to their limits.
Also, there are still 6 Universes fighting for their survival, and many warriors still unknown. Damon and his twin have yet to appear in the Tournament of Power, along with Paparoni who is believed to be the one controlling all the robotic warriors in the arena.
All of this contributes to the belief among fans that anything can happen in this thrilling contest, and 22 minutes is quite a lot of time when translating them into episodes. Yet, knowing Akira Toriyama’s style, we cannot disregard the fact that the Tournament of Power may be interrupted. In any case, there is only one way to know what will happen for sure. Will you watch the next episodes of “Dragon Ball Super"?