"Counting On" had its season finale just a couple of weeks ago, showcasing the wedding of Joe Duggar and his new wife, Kendra Duggar. Previously, the season focused mostly on Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth as she prepped for her wedding to her husband, Austin Forsyth. However, once the wedding special aired, there was no announcement that the Duggar Family would be coming back for another season.
With nearly 50 episodes under their belt, the Duggar family hangs in the balance as they wait to find out whether or not the show will be returning to TLC. But it looks like fans got confirmation the show is coming back in the most unlikely of places.
Jinger's mother-in-law confirms the show is renewed
Jinger Duggar Vuolo's mother-in-law, Diana Vuolo, confirmed that the family will be back on the air for another season. In a now-deleted Facebook post on her the page for her charity, Swan4Kids, Diana plugged a dinner happening on November 15 for the organization. In her announcement, she said that "TLC stars Jinger Duggar Vuolo and Jeremy Vuolo" would be in attendance, in addition to TLC cameras.
The post, however, has since been deleted, which likely means that Diana wasn't supposed to release the information just yet. The Duggar family has not yet confirmed they are returning to TLC, so Diana may not realize that it is a breach of contract for the family to discuss what is happening before it is actually set in stone.
What fans want to see
The ratings for "Counting On" have been steadily declining since the show's fourth season. The spin-off was ordered after the double 2015 scandals with Josh Duggar, where the public found out that Josh had molested five young women, including four of his younger sisters. Later that year, it was revealed that Josh had been using the website Ashley Madison to cheat on his wife, Anna Duggar.
Since the spin-off, fans have been watching Jill Duggar Dillard, Jessa Duggar Seewald, Jinger Duggar Vuolo and Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth as they marry and start families of their own. This season, the first Duggar son, aside from Josh Duggar, married.
Fans, however, have complained that the show is formulaic, boring and repetitive. Instead, fans are interested in watching other parts of the Duggar life side from simply watching them court, get engaged, married and have babies. Some fans shared they were interested in seeing what Christmas is like in each of the family's households as well as delving more into Jinger and Jeremy's lives.