The fans of "The young and the restless" are really worried about Kristoff St. John right now. TMZ shared the news that the actor allegedly tried to kill himself and is now in the hospital. He was hospitalized and placed under psychiatric evaluation after holding a gun to his head and threatening to kill himself. Luckily, he was taken into custody before something happened to him.

Things seem to be going really well other than this and that does have the fans concerned.

What happened with Kristoff?

On Thursday night, his ex-wife Mia called the police and told them that Kristoff St. John had been sending pictures of himself to her that showed him holding a gun to his head. It was obviously enough to scare her so she wanted the police to be involved. When the police arrived, they took two guns away from him and took him into custody to get him help. He was placed on a 72-hour-hold at the start. It sounds like they caught him in time before he was able to do anything, which is the most important thing.

What could have made him want to do this?

It is almost the second anniversary of when his son Julian killed himself. That happened two years ago on November 23. Sources are saying that this had him really upset and that was the reason for him wanting to commit suicide himself. It has been really hard for him ever since he lost his son. Julian had been going through a lot before this happened and had gone for treatment more than once.

On October 11, Kristoff St. John went to his Instagram page and made a really sweet post about how you should be happy every day to be alive. It said not to take a day for granted. At this time, it sounded like Kristoff was doing great and there was no reason to be concerned at all.

The fans were thinking he was doing great and now it doesn't sound that way at all.

Right now, there haven't been any updates on how Kristoff St. John is doing, but the fans are very concerned about him. Hopefully, they keep him on a bit longer than 72-hour-hold so they can make sure everything is okay and get him on the right medication if needed. Hopefully, he can get the treatment he needs.

Are you shocked to hear that Kristoff of "The Young and the Restless" attempted to kill himself? Do you feel like this hospital stay is going to be enough? Sound off in the comments below and don't miss new episodes of "Y&R" weekdays on CBS. It sounds like Kristoff St. John is getting the help that he needs and hopefully, just in time.