Fredrik Eklund was devastated when he learned that his twins would no longer be arriving as the surrogate had miscarried a couple of years ago. Fredrik had been so excited about becoming a father to twins that he questioned whether he wanted to continue to try having kids through a surrogate. Despite the tragic loss, he revealed that they had tried two more times, but both times had failed. After four failures, Fredrik questioned whether this parenting thing was meant to be.
He took a break from trying and dove into work. But something inside of him told him that he needed to try one more time.
On "Million Dollar Listing: New York" Fredrik Eklund told his husband Derek that he had no interest in being a part of the journey as he was afraid of being completely devastated once again. He also explained that he was concerned that if they got another negative result that he may not want to try again. Derek took the reigns and he decided to have the contact with the doctors. He would only include Fredrik when there was something to discuss.
When the couple went to Paris in late April, Derek told Fredrik Eklund that they were going to be parents to twins. They were expecting a little boy and a little girl, which means the Fredrik will get his beloved daughter Mila and they are also having a boy but they're naming Freddy Jr.
They made the announcement on the season finale of "Million Dollar Listing New York" and they are further along than fans expect. They learned about the pregnancy and the fact that it was a boy and a girl in late April, which means that they are probably around eight or nine months pregnant. It is possible that the surrogate is ready to give birth this month or early next month.
Birth could be close
According to a new Instagram post, Fredrik Eklund revealed that he was with the surrogate and he was excited to meet his children. Without a caption for the photo, Fredrik posted a picture to social media and he was holding his head up to the surrogate’s belly. He wanted to be as close as possible to his little babies.
He had a huge smile on his face and it sounds like he is super excited to meet the twins. Fans were ecstatic when they saw the picture, as they know how important it is for him to become a father.
Advice from Jeff Lewis
Since Fredrik is with the surrogate right now, it is possible that she will give birth to the twins any day now. As fans saw with Jeff Lewis and Gage Edwards on "Flipping Out," they decided to go a week early to be with the surrogate in case she went into early labor. Of course, they lived far away from the surrogate so they wanted to be there early to avoid missing the birth. Fredrik has been very silent about information in regards to the surrogate, but it is possible she lives right in New York and is nearby in case something happens.
Perhaps Fredrik simply didn't want to say anything to the public in case he jinxed the pregnancy and he would have to deliver sad news once again that they had lost the babies. But based on his social media picture, it sounds like he is more than ready to become a father and the babies are just waiting to come out and meet him.
What do you think about Fredrik Eklund’s picture on social media, showing that he is with the surrogate and she is close to giving birth? Do you think that these two will become parents in September?